Privacy, Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: 30th April 2022
Lauren Bracken t/a Tamed Tails (hereby referred to as: “Tamed Tails”) only asks for information that Tamed Tails needs to provide the services offered and Tamed Tails has kept this information requirement to an absolute minimum.
Tamed Tails does not use client(s) (hereby referred to as: “You”, “Your” or “Yourself”) contact information for marketing, nor does Tamed Tails provide Your data to any third party (unless required to by law i.e. a valid information disclosure request from the Police).
Your information is only used for the following purposes:
Your name and contact information to validate consent to groom Your dog(s) and evidence - where required - that Tamed Tails has received Your consent.
Your dog(s) medical requirements to be aware of any concerns.
Your address and postcode to arrive and complete the service(s).
Your emergency contact information so that Tamed Tails can contact someone should anything happen to Yourself (or any other member of Your household if You are not there) whilst Tamed Tails is on-site.
Should You have any questions, Tamed Tails can be contacted via the following details:
T: 44 (0)7400633762
Terms & Conditions
By using Tamed Tails service(s), You acknowledge and agree that You have read, understand and agree to all terms and conditions contained in this agreement (hereby referred to as the “Agreement”), as it may be amended from time to time, which is below for reference.
In completing Tamed Tails Grooming & Consent Form, You hereby execute the Agreement for Your dog(s), Yourself and Your heirs, successors, representatives and assigns.
You further attest that if You are not the sole owner, or representative, of the dog(s) subject to the application, that Your consent is sufficient to enter into the Agreement for, and on behalf of, any other owner(s) or representative(s).
In consideration for Your dog(s) being permitted to be client(s) at Tamed Tails, You make the following representations and agree to all of the following policies, procedures, terms and conditions:
You entrust Your dog(s) to Tamed Tails for the purpose of the service(s) requested. You understand and are aware that all due care will be taken with Your dog(s) for the safety of the dog(s) and Tamed Tails. You are aware that neglect of Your dog(s) coat can be a cause for problems after grooming such as clipper/brush irritation. If Your dog/s is/are fidgety, jittery, or restless, or do/does not remain still during service(s), accidents can happen, including but not limited to, nicks or scrapes from clippers or scissors.
Matted Coat(s)
You are aware that if Your dog/s coat is/are matted, Tamed Tails will be required to shave Your dog(s) down and start over with coat growth.
Additional fees will apply.
Personal Property
You agree that Tamed Tails shall not be responsible or liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal property belonging either to Your dog(s) or Yourself. You also understand and agree that Your dog(s) collar may be removed to prevent injury.
Right to Refuse Service
Tamed Tails has the right to refuse service for any reason it deems. In the event of a dog, or dogs, that cannot be groomed safely without danger to Tamed Tails or others, Tamed Tails may use muzzles, collars, slings, straps, etc. Services may be stopped if necessary for the safety of the dog(s) or Tamed Tails.
Grooming fees will still be applied.
Dog Photo and Video Release
You agree to allow Tamed Tails to use Your dog/s name/s and any images or likeness of Your dog(s) taken, in any form or format, for use, at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials. You agree that this provision shall be binding on Yourself and all of Your successors, heirs, legal representatives and assigns.
Duty to Disclose
You agree to disclose, and will continue to disclose on an ongoing basis, any and all medical or other conditions, including but not limited to, personality concerns or behaviours that may affect, limit or prevent Your dog(s) ability to receive services provided by Tamed Tails.
You are aware that by requesting Tamed Tails service(s), You agree to the following regards cancellation:
Tamed Tails requires at least 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment; and
If You do not provide at least 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment, You will be required to pay 50% of the cancelled service(s) cost.
Where You have been asked to pay a deposit for Tamed Tails service(s), You are aware that this is a non-refundable deposit payable to secure the appointment You have requested and will not be entitled to receive back any funds paid.
Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Service Participation Risk
By requesting Tamed Tails service(s), You fully understand that:
There are inherent and potential risks involved with interactions between humans and dogs, which may result in property damage or bodily injury, including but not limited to, permanent disability, sickness or death to human or dog; and
There may be other risks not known to Yourself, nor readily foreseeable at this time (collectively, “risk”). You fully accept and assume all risks and responsibility for all risks, including, without limitation, all losses, costs and damages incurred as a result of Your dog(s) receipt of services, including any veterinarian expenses incurred on behalf of Your dog.